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15 Marketing Tips for Supplement Startups

Supplement Manufacturing Company, supplement manufacturing, starting a supplement business, JustNutra, Smoothie, Whey Protein Powder, Ketogenic, Contract Supplement Manufacturer, Vitamin Manufacturer, Supplement Manufacturer, Create a Supplement

1.) Aim for Your Target Market

Your money is where your target market is. Identify who these people are. What do they like? Where do they eat? Where do they work out? Who do they look up to? Identify, then target.

2.) Give Consumers What They Want, Not What You Want

It is important as a business owner to take yourself out of the story. At the end of the day, your business is built around your target market so you should give the people what they want. Sometimes they want exactly what you want, but if you look deeper at your market, it is not always the case.

3.) Know Your Competition

Know who you are up against. The supplement business is a game of Chess. You want to be 3 steps ahead at all times. Know what will set you apart now and in the future.

4.) Stay On Top of Media and Business Trends

Do your research! The more you know about your business can only help you! Look up what is new, trending, hot in the supplement industry. Right now Ketogenic supplements are extremely hot. What will be next? What is your target market saying?

5.) Interact With the Local Community

Get involved! I am sure you can find local events where you can market your business.

6.) Use Online Social Interaction Wisely

Be careful not to overwhelm your social media community. Post once a day and just keep them in the loop and you will gain loyal followers. DO NOT over post and flood their dashboards/news feeds with ads.

7.) Always Have Business Cards, a Website and a Phone Number Ready!

You never know who you are going to meet, or when you are going to meet them. It is good to always be prepared with Business Cards, an updated Website, and a Business Phone Number.

8.) Do Local Charity Work in the Company's Name

Charity in the local community does not go unnoticed. Get involved in your target market on key issues that they may be facing. When the key issue is within your target market, it will be easy for them to notice it and your good deals will pay you dividends.

9.) Ask Regularly for Feedback Reviews

Gaining trust over the internet is not always an easy thing. Key factors that help to gain trust is through photos/videos using the product, professional designs, and customer reviews. "90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business. And 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations."

10.) Mission Statement is Key

A mission statement is something you and your employees should be living by EVERY SINGLE DAY. A businesses "why" is key to any success.

11.) Make Weekly Goals and check how well you do each Monday

Set weekly goals with your team towards marketing. This way, you feel accomplished every Monday when you hit your goals or know where there are rooms for improvement.

12.) Set Up A Focus Groups

Sometimes it is great to get some outside opinions on marketing or product. Invite current and potential customers for a Q & A and get their opinion!

13.) Give Away Free Samples of Products or Service

As often as you can, offer free samples of the product to new potential customers. This could possibly make the potential customer a lifelong customer.

14.) Use Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a huge marketing tool I believe all companies should be developing. Influencer marketing is very similar to Customer Reviews but more powerful. An influencer is somebody with an audience and the audience trusts that influencer very much. When an influencer says they use/recommend a product, automatic trust is built between the consumer and the brand. This will create more brand awareness and potential new customers.

15.) Launch When You Are Ready Launch as quickly as possible but make sure you have done your research to its fullest extent. This way you have a higher likely-hood for success!!!

Supplement Manufacturing Company, supplement manufacturing, starting a supplement business, JustNutra, Smoothie, Whey Protein Powder, Ketogenic, Contract Supplement Manufacturer, Vitamin Manufacturer, Supplement Manufacturer, Create a Supplement
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